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Midline survey and ongoing data collection in Indonesia

Midline survey and ongoing data collection in Indonesia

The Indonesia team has successfully completed another milestone for the SUNI-SEA project with the completion of a midline survey from 10– 24 August. The survey was conducted in the intervention and control sites, in four selected areas of Kediri, Batang, Jember, and Solo ...

Invest is saving

Invest is saving

Organising health screening for hypertension and diabetes risk factors for community members at the Intergenerational Self-Help Clubs (ISHCs) is one of the important activities and indicators of the SUNI SEA project.

Myanmar team in action

Myanmar team in action

As COVID-19 became under control in many parts of Myanmar, and the SUNI -SEA project amended workplan was finalised, HelpAge International team in Myanmar prepared for a series of trainings to ensure that everyone involved in the project ...