Scaling-up NCD Interventions in South-East Asia (SUNI-SEA)

Through evidence-based research in Indonesia, Myanmar and Vietnam, SUNI-SEA will help inform countries how to effectively scale up strategies to tackle non-communicable diseases.

Nov 23

Strengthening Partnerships for Lasting Impact

The video was produced as part of video competition at the GACD Annual Scientific Meeting 2023 held in Singapore. The…

Aug 23

SUNI-SEA newsletter no. 10

Our project came to a successful close in June 2023, marking the end of a remarkable four-and-a-half-year journey. Throughout this…

A worldwide health concern

Non-communicable disease or NCDs is a worldwide health concern in particular in developing countries. In South-East Asian countries, more than half of all deaths are caused by NCDs.

Source: World Health Organization – Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD) Country Profiles, 2018.

NCD Interventions

Will synergies between community-based activities and primary health care services enhance impact on health?

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