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Talk with SUNI-SEA Project Coordinator

Talk with SUNI-SEA Project Coordinator

Jaap Koot, SUNI-SEA project coordinator shared his thought on the link between NCDs and older people, why we need to involve community in NCD intervention and what we have learnt so far from SUNI-SEA reserach project.

Exposure to ‘posbindu’ primary health centres of Indonesia

Exposure to ‘posbindu’ primary health centres of Indonesia

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University, Dr Diah Kurnia Mirawati, and Dr Ari Natalia Probandari welcomed Dr Jeanet Landman and Z.E. Partdoel from University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) to Indonesia for a four-day visit programme, during 29 October – 1 November 2019.