Our partners in Vietnam, HelpAge International Vietnam Country Office, Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy, and the Health Strategy and Policy Institute, have collaboratively developed a set of communication materials to help people in communities learn about diabetes and hypertension. The materials include flyers and handbooks. Large-size posters were also produced for hanging at...
Resources Tag: <span>Vietnam</span>
Webinar recording – Moving forward: How to continue public health implementation research in LMICs during COVID-19
SUNI-SEA project organised its first webinar in March, titled “Moving forward: how to continue public health implementation research in low- and middle-income countries during COVID-19” Date: 3 March 2020 Time: 8:00 am London / 3:00 pm Bangkok Duration: 90 minutes Platform: Virtual webinar Implementation research projects in lower- and middle-income countries (LMICs) have been disrupted...
Implementing global health research during the pandemic: what are the lessons for the future?
This literature review was produced by Mary Dunbar, HelpAge International, SUNI-SEA Project Manager. It intends to support the discussion of the webinar titled "Moving forward: How to continue public health implementation research in LMICs during COVID-19" held on 3 March 2022.
SUNI-SEA newsletter no.5
We are excited to have entered the fourth year of the SUNI-SEA project. During this last phase of our project we are looking forward to sharing the outcomes of our research including the analysed data, publications, training modules, policy recommendations and more. Therefore, our team in the three countries started the year with a busy...
SUNI-SEA skill building seminar at the EPH Conference – combined presentation slides
SUNI-SEA researchers jointly facilitated online workshop titled ‘Community Based NCDs Prevention and Control: What Can we Learn from Research in South- East Asia?’ at the European Public Health (EPH) Conference on 12 November 2021. This virtual workshop provided an excellent opportunity for consortium members to highlight their work, share their experiences and discuss the preliminary...