Webinar: Digital adaption for community-level management of NCDs – Myanmar experience

Webinar: Digital adaption for community-level management of NCDs – Myanmar experience

On 23 May 2023, HelpAge International in Myanmar hosted a webinar titled ‘Knowledge and care in your hands – Digital adaption for community-level management of NCDs.

The objective of the webinar was to bring together experts and public health professionals to discuss the potential of digital technologies in the health sector, with a particular focus on adaptation during conflict and crises. 

Presentations were provided by SUNI-SEA team members; Dr Khin Hnin Swe, Naw Mu Paing Soe, and the lead consultant working with the SUNI SEA Myanmar team. The presentations covered Myanmar’s experience of developing a digital health screening application, as well as an online learning platform for continued professional development for people interested in public health and NCDs in the Myanmar context.  The presenters gave a comprehensive overview of their pathway to developing digital tools as part of community level interventions within the context of the SUNI -SEA project; as well as how these applications were being experienced by their target users. 

The presenters were joined by a diverse and distinguished panel comprising of Dr Martin Rusnak from the University of Trnava; Dr Ritu Rana from HelpAge India, and Dr Oren Ombiro from Medtronic Labs. Each panel member was able to share unique insights across their multi sector range of experience. 

Thirty participants from 19 organisations across the globe, took part in the webinar and engaged in a lively Q&A session, demonstrating a clear interest in the experiences of the Myanmar team, and a desire to understand how learning could be applied in their respective context. 

Some key takeaways were the need to focus on intentionally engaging with users and stakeholders in the design of digital tools, to help contribute to their usability and ensure that digital approaches are inclusive of a range of needs, and do not further exacerbate any inequalities around accessing learning and health care support. The webinar provided a platform for networking, sharing best practices, and catalysing commitments to leverage technology for improved health outcomes.

Listen to the webinar here.