Training for Posbindu cadres in Central Java and East Java

Training for Posbindu cadres in Central Java and East Java

In Indonesia, we are currently in the intervention phase of the SUNI-SEA project. Our work continues to focus on the capacity building of Posbindu cadres, who are playing a critical role in this project.

In collaboration with staff from the local district Public Health Departments in Central Java and East Java, the SUNI-SEA Indonesia team recently conducted a training to strengthen the skills of the Posbindu cadres on prevention and management of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

The two days training was held on 6-7 December 2021 in a district in Central Java, and on 9-10 December 2021 in a district in East Java. Thirty cadres and five selected persons in charge of NCDs (PIC) from each community health centre participated in this activity.

Due to COVID-19, the training programmes were conducted online and offline. Prior to the training events a ‘WhatsApp’ group was created for the purpose of discussion and information sharing. Training materials as well as videos were provided to participants prior to the training. The onsite training was conducted following strict health protocols, including digital temperature measurements, socially distancing and use of a barcode from ‘Peduli Lindungi’ phone apps, to confirm that all the participants were fully vaccinated.

The training was designed with nine topics:

  1. SUNI-SEA project overview
  2. Non-Communicable Diseases (Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus)
  3. Anthropometrics, blood pressure, and blood sugar measurements
  4. Persuasive communication for the prevention and management of NCDs
  5. Information, communication, and education about NCDs, and counseling skills
  6. Early detection algorithms for NCDs
  7. Nutritional aspects for the prevention and management of NCDs
  8. Exercise guidelines for the prevention and management of NCDs
  9. Complementary medicine for the prevention and management of NCDs.


To promote full engagement of the participants, various training tools and methods were used including videos, power point presentations, and live Q&A discussions. During the training, in addition to delivering materials related to NCDs, the SUNI-SEA Indonesia facilitators introduced the ‘Posbindu Smart Application’ to the cadres. The application can be used for community, i.e. Posbindu participants, and health cadres to conduct integrated early detection and monitoring of risk factors for NCDs. During the training each cadre had the opportunity to practice using the application, including downloading and navigating through the steps in the application. This application is expected to support cadres to achieve the objectives of Posbindu activities which are: to increase community participation in prevention and early detection of risk factors for NCDs, provide counselling and other efforts to avoid the occurrence of NCDs, and to report the results of the community health centre activities to the local Public Health Department.

The participants were enthusiastic and excited to learn new knowledge, and to practice the use of new tools. These training programmes helped enhance their skills, provided them with additional knowledge and the opportunity to exchange information with health experts. The training not only benefited SUNI-SEA project, but also made a small contribution towards the overall strengthening of the capacity of health care professional that can be applied to other areas of their work.